Sunday, August 28, 2011

Comfort Zone

Just the other day my business mentor was mentoring me on building my business. One thing that he really stressed in our meeting was to never allow yourself to be too comfortable talking to people. At first this didn't make any sense to me, but then he explained it. The most important thing is to be always pushing your comfort zone. He told me that the second the I felt really comfortable talking to people and getting contacts for my business that I should be worried. The reason being that when you are comfortable you aren't growing. This made perfect sense to me. In the LDS Church, we've always been taught to step out of our comfort zone and to be constantly learning and growing. I began to ponder more about this concept. It's like in anything that we do, if we aspire to be better then we need to always be pushing ourselves a little bit harder in what we want to achieve. It is also a matter of pride. We can never become to great and there is always room for improvement in anything that we do, even if it is something that we have come to succeed in. There is always room for improvement especially since we are human beings and no human being is perfect. I've come to realize that if I want to expand my network that I should never allow myself to be too comfortable interacting with people. I would encourage everyone to never get too comfortable with who they are and where they are in life. There is always room for improvement if you want true success in life.

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