Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Reality Check

Before I get started I want to make it clear that I am in no way trying to bash on anybody but only to express my opinion of the importance of humility. I've noticed a pattern of members of the church that are born and raised in Utah (the men in particular). This is not to say that everyone that's LDS and born in raised in Utah needs a reality check but a majority of you do. I'm sure that there those that are an exception and are normal and realize that they are not above anything or anyone else, in which case this is not directed toward you.

I've dated enough of these guys and had enough of them come into to my office for an interview that I feel like I need to make it known  that serving a mission and paying your tithing entitles you to ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but it doesn't. It doesn't put you above anyone else. I hope this doesn't come across as me making a mission out to be like it's not important because that is the opposite of what I am saying. I believe that everyone should serve one. My problem is people that seem to believe that because they serve a mission and pay their tithing, they are somehow more righteous than anyone else. I'm here to tell you that you aren't. Maybe you haven't made the same mistakes as someone else and you have lived your life differently. That's fine, but don't talk down to me or walk piously as if God somehow loves you more than the rest of the world. In reality God is probably laughing at you. I'm sorry if that is sac-religious, but I have a hard time believing that God doesn't have a sense of humor.

All I am saying is open your mind up and learn to understand how the world actually works outside of your precious bubble. I don't care if you've served a mission. That's awesome if you have! Seriously. And I don't care if you pay your tithing. Great. I do too. I don't care that you go to church every Sunday and don't work on Sundays. That's great! I do the same thing! Am I perfect? Absolutely not! So I'm confused why some of you think that you are. I've made plenty of mistakes in my lifetime but there is this great thing called the Atonement! And because of that I know for a fact that you are not above anyone. More closed minded maybe, but definitely not anymore special in the eyes of God.

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